Roteiros e Calendário de Estudo do 2º ao 4º ano – Agosto 2018
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Dicas de Passeios e Diversão nas Férias!
[gview file=”ÉRIAS-Educação-Infantil-2018.pdf”]
[gview file=”ÉRIAS-Fundamental-2018.pdf”]
“Juniors 3 – Directions Project”
Our Juniors 3 students had the challenge of being tourist guides giving information to the Teens! Each student selected a city, did a guided search and created their map, with the places of the city. In the activities of speaking and role play, the students intended to give information in a satisfactory way, such as “I’m hungry. Where can I go?” “You can go to the restaurant”or “I’m sick. Where can I go?” ” You can go to the hospital.” For this purpose, the students learned several places of the city, such as post office, hospital, museum, restaurant, bakery, supermarket, drugstore, train station, movie theater, toy store etc, as well as exploring a lot of information about the city, such as money, sightseeing, curiosities etc.
“Kids 4 – Knuffle Bunny Project”
By means of our project, based on the Knuffle Bunny trilogy, our bilingual students had contact with one of the most respected authors worldwide: Mo Willems. So they made their own Knuffle Bunny, with our school places and our mascots Penny and Denny. The children learned to name the places and objects of the school and also to describe them, using adjectives such as big, small, on, off, loud, low, heavy, light, full, empty, new, old, clean, dirty, fast , slow, soft, hard, beautiful, ugly etc. Good job, kids!
“Dia diferente – Último dia de aula”
Não importa qual seja a sua idade, o último dia de aula é sempre algo que marca a memória.
Depois de cumprirem todas as “obrigações”, de terem horário para acordar, horário para dormir, terem que estudar e fazer lição de casa, as merecidas férias chegam para aliviar a cabeça e dar uma pausa na rotina.
Boas Férias!!!
Vem aí… Programação de Férias para o INTEGRAL!!!
Rua Maranguape, 78
Parque Jaçatuba
Santo André - SP